Divorce Services
Divorce Services
Mutual Divorce
Divorce Mediation in Orange City & Volusia County is a conflict resolution service for couples in the process of divorce or separation. The divorce process can be emotionally and financially draining. All people are often constrained by the steps to take when making the decision to end their marriage. Knowing what help is available for divorce, and where to look is the first step to take.
In the United States, each state has its own divorce laws and steps on how to file for divorce. Family law attorneys specialize in such divorce laws and people often hire their services to protect themselves during a divorce. Family mediators are also an option for these divorce cases and can be used outside of court, with or without attorneys, to help you resolve your case through divorce mediation.
Divorce agreements allow each person to negotiate the terms or resolve their problem without interference from the court. This gives the parties the opportunity to negotiate their own terms of the divorce. Part of divorce mediation is making sure that everyone feels heard and that the agreement reached is mutually satisfactory.

Contested Divorce
A contested divorce is when one or both spouses dispute some aspect of their divorce. Therefore, divorce proceedings take much longer to complete and generally involve increased stress and increased legal fees.
With a contested divorce, spouses face numerous steps before the divorce is final and gather a lot of documentation for the case. During the settlement phase, the spouses are often unable to resolve the issues. Although the divorce judge can encourage the spouses to work things out, the next step is divorce court when that doesn’t happen.
Divorce, especially contested divorces, are complex. Therefore, spouses in a contested divorce should speak with an experienced divorce professional who can inform them of their legal rights and ensure that all the paperwork and steps are properly completed.

Divorce by Publication
If you do not know the whereabouts of your spouse or domestic partner to properly serve them the summons and petition you filed (or some other document), you can ask the court for permission to serve your documents “by publication”.
“Service by publication” means that you publish the Summons or other document in a newspaper of general circulation in the area where your spouse or partner is likely to be located. For the publication service, you will have to pay the newspaper a fee to publish the document. It should be published for 4 weeks in a row, at least once a week.
“Service by publication” means that your process server, or the court clerk (based on court procedures), places the Summons or other document in a conspicuous place designated for court service in the courthouse. To serve by publication, you must qualify for a waiver of court fees.
To get permission from the court to serve by publication or by mail, you will need to show the court that you did everything possible to find your spouse or partner. Lantigua Solution can help you.

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